Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Five Characteristics of a Good Illuminated Sign

Signs are important for any business. After all, it is the sign that attracts the customers to the business and draws them to it. Although the basic foundation of all signage is similar, there are some things that are exclusive to the type of sign in question. Take a look at some features that will be seen in a great illuminated sign:

It Should Hold Against the Weather

Since the illuminated signs have an electric connection, it is important to ensure that the structure is safe against the weather. If the sign doesn’t keep the wires and lights safe from weather conditions like the wind and the rain, this can lead to disruptions in the display. A good illuminated sign is always made to resist weather damage. 
Easily Understandable

Illuminated signs offer a number of options and it is easy to get carried away while designing it. However, an ideal illuminated sign is somewhat minimalistic and reads easily. Everything on the sign must be easily understandable, whether it is the logo, writing, or any other graphic. The font size must be considered carefully as too large a size will make it impossible to include everything you want to and too small a size will not be easily readable. Companies that are sign manufacturers; make sure that the font size is in harmony with the size of the sign. 
The Sign Tells What Your Business is All About

Another crucial thing that you must take care of is that the designing of the sign keeps the tone of the store and the business in mind. The sign must tell the onlooker what the business is about clearly. The image that you want to Apart from different types of signs, companies also offers several sign making supplies.  

Illuminated or any other type of sign is an important part of your marketing and branding. It does much more than make the store front look attractive. If the business has more than one branch, you have to ensure that the illuminated sign at all its locations is the same. In time, the customers will come to associate the sign with the business and it will become an important part of your brand identity.      

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Various Types of Signs and Visual Graphics to Help you pick the Best One

Signs are one of the most effective ways to advertise and market your business. However, its type and design must align perfectly with your business brand, its values as well as target customers. Since these have large variations, one sign cannot suit all business. To cater to varying needs, there are different types of signs available. Some of the leading types available are –

Architectural signs

They are usually built on and around a cabinet made of aluminum and sometimes constructed of masonry. The most common usage of this signage is for corporate office signs, business signs, exterior way finders, etc. Their usage is almost endless.

Dimensional signs

Crafted of various materials, they have multiple layers to give a 3D effect. They are used extensively for both interior and exterior usage.

Read More Original Content at Light Boxes

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Useful Tips to Help You Select the Right Poster Frame

Frames for posters are available in several exciting designs than just a regular picture frame. These frames are specially designed to keep big pictures. There are several features and functionalities that these posters provide over regular picture frames.

Use of frame for posters

Poster frames
are the best way to display large sized posters especially of concerts, movies, and format art prints.

How are they constructed?

The border of these frames is made up of a plexi-glass and plastic which completely covers the entire poster. The rear side of it is made using cardboard. This makes it light in weight and easy to hang. For convenient hanging, there is provided a hook on the back side.

Read More Original Content at Poster frames

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Things You Must Know Before Buying Illuminated Signs for Businesses

Sign Maker
Illuminated signs also go by the name of illuminated signs as they light up upon being switched on. Despite varied attempts by the sign makers, people still fall prey to the misconception that they are not only expensive but also tacky in appearance. However, it would not be so if the below pointers are kept in mind while purchasing them –

  • The overall vibe and look of the illuminated signs determined by the design, fonts, and colors used in the illuminated sign will ultimately classify it as tacky or tasteful. A reputed sign maker pays great attention to design and factors mentioned above to make them look elegant and professional and not tacky. This is also what differentiates one brand from the other.

  • Sometimes small business, as well as startups, tends to opt for DIY illuminated signs to save some money while promoting their business. However, their lack of evident professional touch can prove costly for your business. Thus it’s best to go for professionals. Online retailers prove far cheaper than the physical shops if budget is a constraint.

  • The illuminated signs can be made in various shapes and sizes. A very common type is the LED or fluorescent sign where an aluminum back tray hosts the LED or fluorescent lighting. Additionally, the front face panel can have all its image and fonts designed in either acrylic materials or the better looking flexi face system which have an additional advantage of displaying any sized area using a single piece of metal.

  • Contrary to popular belief, the illuminated signs do not cost an arm and a leg. However good signs will have a higher price than basic signs, but they would be more durable and attract more crowds of right nature. Custom made signs are also made for those who wish to make a bespoke statement about their business and create their own distinct brand value. Plenty of retailers and sellers offer this option to their customers.

With these, you can be assured of a quality sign that exceeds its purpose and leads to a profitable business for you.